Test Code LABCXEYE Culture, Eye
Additional Codes
Test Name in EPIC | EPIC Test Code | Mnemonic |
Useful For/Utility
Detecting bacteria responsible for infections. Determining the in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of potentially pathogenic aerobic bacteria, if appropriate.
Direct smear included
Clinical Information
Superficial eye infections are usually due to bacteria that colonize the skin, inner eye infections may involve a wide variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Early clinical and laboratory diagnosis of inner eye infections is of great importance to the patient having a good outcome. Because of the constant washing activity of tears, which contain antibacterial factors, the number of organisms recovered from cultures of many eye infections may be relatively low.
Specimen Requirements
Whenever possible, culture specimens should be obtained before antibiotics or antimicrobial agents have been administered.
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Specimen Type: Bacterial culture swab (mini-tip swab recommended),
Liquid Amies Elution Swab (ESwab) Copan 481C
Container/Tube: Liquid Amies Elution Swab (ESwab) Copan 481C
Specimen Volume: Swab
Collection Instructions:
1. Calcium alginate, cotton, non-sterile, or wooden-shafted swab is not acceptable.
2. Specimen source is required.
3. Dry swab is not acceptable.
Additional Information:
1. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and source/type of specimen.
2. Specimen source is required.
3. Do not refrigerate.
4. If there is a delay in transport of >48 hours, process specimen as follows:
a. Inoculate and streak to appropriate agar medium and make a direct smear.
b. Blood agar plate (BAP), CNA, and chocolate (CHOC) agar plates should be incubated in Bio-Bag type C. MAC plate should be in regular air.
c. Incubate all plates at 33° C to 37° C.
d. Transport to the laboratory within 72 hours.
5. Culture swabs maintain viability of many microorganisms for 24 to 48 hours. For fastidious bacteria (such as Neisseria species, Haemophilus species, and Streptococcus pneumoniae) swab specimens should be plated directly onto culture media or transported immediately to the laboratory and cultured within 24 hours.
Specimen Type: Tissue, corneal scrapings, contact lens
Container/Tube: Sterile container
Specimen Volume: Entire specimen
Collection Instructions:
1. Aseptic collection by physician
2. Moisten tissue with a small amount of sterile saline to prevent drying.
Additional Information:
1. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and source/type of specimen.
2. Specimen source is required.
3. Do not refrigerate.
4. If there is a delay in transport of >48 hours, process specimen as follows:
a. Inoculate and streak to appropriate agar medium and make a direct smear.
b. Blood agar plate (BAP), CNA, and chocolate (CHOC) agar plates should be incubated in Bio-Bag type C. MAC plate should be in regular air.
c. Incubate all plates at 33° C to 37° C.
d. Transport to the laboratory within 72 hours.
5. Culture swabs maintain viability of many microorganisms for 24 to 48 hours. For fastidious bacteria (such as Neisseria species, Haemophilus species, and Streptococcus pneumoniae) swab specimens should be plated directly onto culture media or transported immediately to the laboratory and cultured within 24 hours.
Specimen Type: Eye, vitrious fluid
Container/Tube: Sterile container or syringe with needle removed
Specimen Volume: Entire specimen
Collection Instructions:
1. Aseptic collection by physician
Additional Information:
1. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and source/type of specimen.
2. Specimen source is required.
3. Do not refrigerate.
4. If there is a delay in transport of >48 hours, process specimen as follows:
a. Inoculate and streak to appropriate agar medium and make a direct smear.
b. Blood agar plate (BAP), CNA, and chocolate (CHOC) agar plates should be incubated in Bio-Bag type C. MAC plate should be in regular air.
c. Incubate all plates at 33° C to 37° C.
d. Transport to the laboratory within 72 hours.
5. Culture swabs maintain viability of many microorganisms for 24 to 48 hours. For fastidious bacteria (such as Neisseria species, Haemophilus species, and Streptococcus pneumoniae) swab specimens should be plated directly onto culture media or transported immediately to the laboratory and cultured within 24 hours.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Ambient 24 hours OK/Refrigerate NO/Frozen NO
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Performing Laboratory
Microbiology -
SMDC Clinical Lab
Fargo Hospital Lab
Test Classification and CPT Coding
87070-Culture, aerobic
87205-Gram stain
Additional CPT codes will be billed when appropriate.
Reference Values
Approximately 2-7 days to final report