Test Code LABLACF Lactoferrin (Fecal Leukocyte Assessment), Stool
Additional Codes
Test Name in EPIC | EPIC Test Code | Mnemonic |
Useful For/Utility
A marker of intestinal inflammation
Leuko E2 Vue Kit
An immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of elevated levels of fecal lactoferrin, a marker for fecal leukocytes and an indicator of intestinal inflammation.
Clinical Information
An in vitro diagnostic aid to help identify patients with active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Specimen Requirements
Specimen Type: Stool, liquid or solid
Container/Tube: Sterile container, Clean Container acceptable
Specimen Volume: 1 mL liquid stool or 1 g of solid stool
Additional Information: Label container with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection and type of specimen.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Ambient 2 weeks/Refrigerate 2 weeks OK/Frozen OK
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Performing Laboratory
Minnesota | North Dakota |
SMDC Clinical Lab (Duluth) | Fargo Hospital |
Virginia Hospital |
Test Classification and CPT Coding
Reference Values
Negative Normal result
Positive - Elevated levels of lactoferrin - Abnormal result
Interpretive Data
A positive result is indicative of the presence of lactoferrin, a marker for fecal leukocytes. A negative result does not exclude the presence of intestinal inflammation.