Test Code LABVAGPR Vaginitis Panel (Bacterial vaginosis, Candida Species, and Trichomonas vaginalis)

Additional Codes
Test Name in EPIC | EPIC Test Code | Mnemonic |
Vaginitis Panel by Molecular Detection | LABVAGPR | VAGPR |
Hologic Panther: Nucleic Acid Amplification--Real Time Transcription-Mediation Amplification (TMA)
Cepheid GeneXpert: Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Specimen Requirements
Note: Separate swabs should be used for other tests, e.g. culture or microscopic slide samples.
Methodology: Hologic Panther
Specimen Type: Vaginal Fluid
Container/Tube: Aptima Multitest Swab Specimen Collection Kit
Collection Instructions:
Note: For patient-collected vaginal swab specimen collection, ensure that patients read the Patient Collection Instructions before providing them with a collection kit.
Instructions for vaginal swab specimen collection:
- Partially peel open the swab package. Remove the swab. Do not touch the soft tip or lay the swab down. If the soft tip is touched, the swab is laid down, or the swab is dropped, use a new Aptima Multitest Swab Specimen Collection Kit.
- Hold the swab, placing your thumb and forefinger in the middle of the swab shaft covering the score line. Do not hold the swab shaft below the score line.
- Carefully insert the swab into the vagina about 2 inches (5 cm) past the introitus and gently rotate the swab clockwise for 10 to 30 seconds. Make sure the swab touches the walls of the vagina so that moisture is absorbed by the swab and then withdraw the swab without touching the skin.
- While holding the swab in the same hand, unscrew the cap from the tube. Do not spill the contents of the tube. If the contents of the tube are spilled, use a new Aptima Multitest swab Specimen Collection Kit.
- Immediately place the swab into the transport tube so that the score line is at the top of the tube.
- Carefully break the swab shaft at the score line against the side of the tube.
- Immediately discard the top portion of the swab shaft.
- Tightly screw the cap onto the tube.
Methodology: Cepheid GeneXpert: Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Specimen Type: Vaginal Fluid
Container/Tube: Pink-Capped Xpert Swab Transport Reagent Tube
Collection Instructions: Vaginal
- Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, source/type of specimen.
Place the patient in position for pelvic examination and carefully insert the pink-capped Xpert swab into the vagina about 5 cm.
Gently rotate swab for 10-30 seconds. Ensure the swab touches the wall of the vagina so that moisture is absorbed by the swab.
While holding the swab, unscrew the cap from the Xpert Swab Transport Reagent tube. Do not spill the contents of the tube. If the contents are spilled, use a new collection kit. Immediately place the collection swab into the transport tube.
Identifying the scoreline on the collection swab, carefully break the swab shaft against the side of the tube. Re-cap the swab and transport reagent tube and tighten the cap securely. Invert or gently shake the tube 3-4 times to elute material from the swab.
Collection Instructions: Endocervical
- Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, source/type of specimen.
Place the patient in position for pelvic examination. Remove excess mucus from cervical os and surrounding mucosa using the large individually wrapped cleaning swab (discard swab). Once cleaning is completed carefully insert the pink-capped Xpert swab into the vagina about 5 cm.
Gently rotate swab for 10-30 seconds. Ensure the swab touches the wall of the vagina so that moisture is absorbed by the swab.
While holding the swab, unscrew the cap from the Xpert Swab Transport Reagent tube. Do not spill the contents of the tube. If the contents are spilled, use a new collection kit. Immediately place the collection swab into the transport tube.
Identifying the score line on the collection swab, carefully break the swab shaft against the side of the tube. Re-cap the swab and transport reagent tube and tighten the cap securely. Invert or gently shake the tube 3-4 times to elute material from the swab.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Cepheid GeneXpert | Hologic Panther |
Ambient/Refrigerated 42 days/Frozen NO |
Ambient 30 days (preferred)/Refrigerate 30 days OK /Frozen 60 days |
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Special Instructions
See collection requirements under General Information - Essentia Health Common Microbiology-Molecular Collection & Transport Devices
Performing Laboratory
SJMC Medical Center Lab, Baxter Lab, Park Rapids Clinic Lab, Park Rapids Hwy 34 Clinic Lab, Mehahga Clinic Lab, Walker Clinic Lab, Bagley Clinic Lab, Oklee Clinic Lab
Fargo 32nd Ave Hospital Lab, Ada Hosptial Lab, Fosston Hospital Lab, Graceville Holy Trinity Hospital Lab, Mid Dakota Clinic 9th Street Lab Bismarck, Mid Dakota Clinic Gateway Lab Bismarck, Mid Dakota Clinic Kirkwood Lab Bismarck,St. Mary's Hosptial Detroit Lakes, West Fargo The Lights Clinic Lab, 52nd Avenue Clinic Lab, St. Mary's Frazee Clinic Lab, St. Mary's Mahnomen Clinic Lab, St. Mary's Pelican Rapids Clinic Lab
SMDC Clinical Laboratory,Cloquet Clinic Lab, Deer River Hospital, Hinckley Clinic Lab,Moose Lake Hospital Lab, Northern Pines Lab, Virginia Hospital Lab, Sandstone Hospital Lab, St. Mary's Superior Lab
Test Classification and CPT Coding
Cepheid GeneXpert | Hologic Panther |
81515 |
81513 – Bacterial Vaginosis RNA Measurement 87481 – Candida species Amplified Probe 87661 – Trichomonas vaginalis Amplified Probe |
Reference Values
Not Detected
Turnaround Time
Cephied GeneXpert |
Hologic Panther-Aptima Multitest Swab |
On-site Collection: 90 minutes Off-site Collection: 24 Hours |
On-site Collection: 3 Hours Off-site Collection: 24 Hours |